Fowl Language Wiki

Missy is the youngest of her father Dicky's family. She is also the sister of Champ and despite being only a toddler, she is even rowdier than her older brother.

Personality and Traits

Missy's feathers are pink. She is a chatterbox and she can get very jumpy when it is quiet for even 30 seconds. With her randiness, she also goes crazy whenever she sees the movie, Frozen.

She is known to sometimes fight with her brother, Champ, which drives her father, Dicky, crazy.



  • Dicky once said Missy was six, but other comics proved this false, as Champ is her older brother and he is only five.
  • She tends to hog the entire room on any bed she sleeps in. That means bad news for Dicky if she sleeps in his bed.
  • Evidently, she won't stop crying because Dicky is a big Hitler, but that's only a joke made in the comics.
  • Every day, on the exact same moment, Missy used to throw a really loud cry that lasted a few hours. Dicky called that the "Witching Hour".
  • Missy thinks Dicky's tummy is fat.
  • Missy is naturally shorter than her older brother, Champ, but she was sometimes seen being as tall as Champ.
  • Dicky thinks that Missy is a politician and he thought she could be president one day, but nowadays, he thinks a Bat-Shit Crazy Dictator is a better way to describe it.
  • Missy went to Disneyland for her third birthday.
